Cat Boarding

If you own a cat, an important consideration when doing home renovations is where will your furry friend stay? If you're only doing minor renovations then it should be fine for him to stay at home.

But major renos can cause quite a disruption to your cat's routine, and the changes and the noises will actually distress your animal. Seeing his favourite spots around the house being knocked down, dealing with lots of strangers and hearing constant banging can actually cause cats to run away!

So if this sounds like the type of environment your renovations are going to create, it's definitely worth looking for an alternate option for kitty to stay. A friend or family members house might be suitable, but more likely, a cat boarding facility will be the best option.

Best car boarding facilities

Here are a list of our favourite catteries in Melbourne:

Bayside Cat Resort - located in Cheltenham in the south of Melbourne, this is a deluxe cat boarding facility at an affordable price. Each cat gets their own private suite which has beds, scratching poles and plenty of toys. Plus you can bring your own stuff from home. The staff are passionate cat lovers and give them all plenty of attention and cuddles, along with delicious food.

Allendale Kennels and Cattery - in the north of Melbourne, Allendale provides a home away from home for both cats and dogs, and a country feel with plenty of fresh air and love. They are a small family owned cattery and kennel and can give a lot of special attention to all their animal guests!

Things to consider for your cattery experience

If your cat has a special diet, make sure you speak with the facility beforehand and ensure outside food is allowed (generally it's fine). Then make sure you bring enough in for the duration of your pet's stay. The same goes for any medication he or she requires.

Also bringing along a favourite toy or blanket can help improve the stay of your animal. It brings familiarity and comfort, which will help your cat feel relaxed and settle in quicker.

Depending on how long your renovation is going for, look to visit your cat on a regular basis too. And once you bring him back after all the work is done, spend lots of time while they are settling back in, so they readjust back to your home with no issues.

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